Wednesday 23 January 2019

Exit Interview

1. Comment about your work ethic in this course and why.
 My work ethic in this class wasn't the best sometimes I would do the work and most days i wouldn't 

 2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
  I enjoyed the Sketchup, and the minecraft project. Why because Sketchup is pretty fun and the minecraft project is one of my favorites too cause I got to build something cool with my friends.  

 3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why? 
   I struggled with the Adobe premiere why I found it a little difficult to get a hang of and the program would crash a lot.  

Minecraft slide show

Sketch up room with pool

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Day 2

Water purifier

Cooking station


Cutting tree down 

Defending from shark 

Monday 14 January 2019

Day 3 Raft

New thing I built today was a medium crop pot


The new thing I learned today was that you can cancel your throw when you use a hook, and a fishing rod. When you cast or throw the hook you press the right mouse click button and it will cancel. And I learned today where to get sand, clay, scrap metal. They can be found under water near the islands.

My raft

This is my new raft I'm building it this was cause its easier to get on to islands and collect supplies and easier to fight the shark and know where it is. and I keep all my stuff in the middle so the shark can't destroy any of my items and only attacks the outer layer of my raft. 

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Day 1

The game Raft is a survival based game in the middle of the ocean and you have to survive collecting material and fight against a shark that will destroy your raft by attacking it.

How to Collect materials

using the Hook

Pressing the E key on the keyboard to pick up items 

My raft 

Barrel best item you can get has lots of goodies inside like wood, food, nails, scrap metal, nails, rope, leaves, 

Wooden planks used to build and good fire fuel 

Plastic used for crafting the hook, or paddle 

Leaf can be used to make rope